Fattoria didattica - Valverde Verona
Fattoria didattica Valverde Verona - bambini nel bosco
Fattoria didattica Valverde Verona - apicoltura
Fattoria didattica Valverde Verona - apicoltura
Fattoria didattica Valverde Verona - apicoltura

The Teaching Farm

The Valverde Teaching Farm organises days for schools and courses for adults and children on themes related to plants and the landscape.
A ‘guided tour’ through the trees allows the children to recognize the characteristics of the different types of wood, listen to the history of their origins and appreciate how each tree is used in everyday life. The aim of the workshop is to stimulate a greater awareness of trees by describing their properties and the different ways they can be used. Along the pathways through the wood, children are encouraged to use all five senses to observe and explore a natural biosystem.

Activities take place throughout the year in a young wood that has been left to grow naturally.

It is important for visitors, both young and old, to wear suitable clothes: long trousers and long-sleeved shirt even during the summer to avoid insect bites or scratches, and  boots and waterproof jacket in case of rain.

La Valverde is located on the road from Verona to Montorio and is easily reached by taking the number 13 bus or by bike along the cycle path.

Fattoria didattica a Verona - La Valverde

Book a visit

Please send a request to info@valverde-verona.it

Educational director: Maria Giulia da Sacco. Tel. +39 338 683 8998

Facebook page: facebook.com/FattoriaDidatticaLaValverde/

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