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How to get to Villa La Valverde

La Valverde is a short distance from Verona’s city walls and can be reached:

  • from the Milano-Venice motorway, take the Verona Est exit, take the Tangenziale Est and exit at Montorio-Caserma Duca; turn left and the villa is a bit further along on the left;
  • from Verona Airport take the Tangenziale Sud and leave at San Martino Buon Albergo; from there take the Tangenziale Est and exit at Montorio-Caserma Duca; turn left and the villa is a bit further along on the left;
  • by bus take the Linea Urbana n.13 which stops every fifteen minutes in front of the Valverde gate;
  • by bike from the city follow the cycle path for Montorio that passes right in fron of the villa.

The entrance to number 23 is the gate nearest to the traffic light.

Contact Us

Azienda Agricola La Valverde +39 045526499

Maria Giulia +39 338 683 8998

Marco +39 392 481 1782


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